Afrotech 2023

Panel Description: 

The sports & entertainment industry has expanded to include the application of new technologies such as Web 3.0, AI, Immersive Entertainment, and Gaming.   

These developments provide founders/entrepreneurs with an opportunity to create unique experiences for fans, athletes, and stadiums.  

Join our panelists as they discuss these changes in the sports industry and how founders can leverage emerging tech, increase venture investment, and expanding ecosystems to achieve building a future where technology is used to enhance the sports experience for all. 


Why the AfroTech community should learn about this topic:  

The sports technology industry is expected to grow significantly due to the increased demand for sports events and data-driven decision-making. The growth is driven by the usage of data analytics, IoT, and social media integration across numerous sports and the Black community of founders and investors must be players in the space. 

Technology based services are needed by teams, leagues, and agencies to enhance the emphasis on audience involvement, entertainment, and digital transformation of arenas and stadiums. 


Sports Innovation Summit